About Us

About us

Since establishment our company has been providing Korean elevator and escalators in Mongolian Market, and from 2007 we have become special agent of Canny Elevator Group- Chinese National leading brand and supplying its products met with international standards and installation  and after service work.

Canny is famous with producing and supplying in the global market elevator and  escalator main parts such as traction machine, control panel, VVVF door operation system etc.

Currently Canny Elevator Group is exporting to over 40 countries worldwide and already possessing international certificates such as CE (Europe), CSA (North America), EK-Mark(Korea). Canny Elevator Group has been awarded the no.1 in the competition of elevator product sales and by product performance among Chinese domestic elevator industry according to statistical research in 2010,2011,2012,2013 and has become China’s National Brand and it is named as Hope and Pride of China’s Elevator Industry.

Canny products strictly accords with ISO9001, ISO14001 Quality system Certification and CE certification, which are low noise, no vibration energy saving  ecofriendly  products and in order to guarantee the precision, safety, reliability and pleasing appearance of each component.

Our team consists of 5 teams of trained engineers and technical assistances, have been trained in Korea and in China, Shanghai.  Our team aiming to provide quality service to satisfy customers need.

By keeping on improving its own benefits we have making our contribution to the development of the local construction and economical development. We are cooperating closely with over 30 organisations and striving to expand our activities.

Our mission

Top  technology

Competent personnels

 Quality service

Business activities

Elevator and escalator, passenger conveyor supply in Mongolia

Elevator and escalator, passenger conveyor installation

Skilled specialists

Technical maintenance

Professional consulting


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